Drinking with Skeletons

On moving

Moving sucks. I'm doing it for the second time in two years because I'm insane. Well, to be fair my roommate got a job in Philly and is moving out. And my friend is moving to San Diego, leaving an opening in our mutual friend's apartment that is kind of a perfect spot (and back in my old neighborhood that I miss). And our rent got jacked up so I kinda wanted to leave anyway. So it's going to work out, but man the process of moving just fucking blows.

I've been doing it all myself for the most part because the Boston September 1st turnover is a nightmare and all the movers are booked months in advance. Both that and I'm cheap and the new place is only 15 minutes down the road. So I've been loading up my car once a day for the last week or so slowly moving all my possessions to my new apartment.

After packing boxes and boxes I'm starting to think I have too many things now. I like collecting books, vinyl records and video games. I like having lots of artwork on my walls. Those are nice until you have to put them into heavy boxes and lug them to your car. When I get all settled I think I'm going to do a purge of stuff that's long overdue.

I did hire a guy on Taskrabbit with a pickup truck to get my bed and other big things over which was the most stressful part for me but ended up being super easy. Definitely interesting vibes from this dude who I think was a college football player that road raged a little too hard but he liked my Porter Robinson tapestry and we talked about Korn on one of the few trips between places. Plus he was pretty handsome so that's a plus lol.

Saturday is my last day in this apartment and I'm down to the last few handfuls of things to move so the end is in sight. Just gotta get through the next few nights sleeping on an air mattress and working on the couch without a desk. Here's a pic of my sad looking living room.
